If you live near Oak Harbor, Washington, you may have heard about the need for water clean up Oak Harbor techniques. If you live near Oak Harbor, you may have even heard about PFAS contamination. You may also have heard about lead and 1-4-Dioxane contamination. If you’re concerned about these substances in your drinking water, you can learn more about them by reading this article.

PFAS contamination

The Department of Transportation and Public Facilities in Alaska is currently investigating the use of aqueous film-forming foam containing PFAS near the town of Gustavus. A sampling program in fall 2018 determined that 12 drinking water wells in and around the city were contaminated with PFOA and PFOS. These chemicals are banned for human use in cosmetics, flame retardants, and in the construction of new buildings. The EPA has issued a health advisory for people living near PFAS-contaminated sites. The Department of Transportation and Public Facilities has provided alternative water for residents who are concerned about the contamination.

The Navy plans to test drinking water wells in the Coupeville Outlying Field and Oak Harbor areaPFASFASs. Public and private drinking water wells should be checked periodically. The Navy monitors drinking water wells twice a year if the landowner grants permission.

Lead contamination

If you’re wondering if your water contains lead, it may be necessary to learn more about water clean up Oak Harbor techniques for this contaminant. Oak Harbor’s tap water is generally safe to drink and has no ongoing violations of the Safe Drinking Water Act. However, some factors may affect the quality of the water, such as lead piping in your home. In addition, these contaminants may also affect the health of specific individuals, especially those who are immunosuppressed.

To prevent the spread of lead poisoning in your home, you should test your drinking water for lead. Lead levels in tap water can be more than fifteen parts per billion. Many water utilities in the United States have a high concentration of information, which can be harmful. You should always contact your water utility and request a lead test. It may be possible to remove the source of the contamination. Otherwise, you may have to pay a lot for the service.

1-4-Dioxane contamination

Currently, a mile-long plume of 1,4-dioxane has migrated into the city of Oak Harbor, Washington, which is connected to the Skagit River. While the plume continues to grow and spread, the Navy does not want to allow it to continue creeping under the city. Scientists are asking the public to help identify and test old wells located south of the plume. By doing this, they hope to identify and stop the contamination from spreading.

The EPA, however, has not addressed the health risk of 1,4-dioxane contamination in the general population. The agency can assess and manage the risks of exposure through other federal statutes, such as the Safe Drinking Water Act. These regulations would take many years to implement. Therefore, the EPA has not taken steps to address the problem in Oak Harbor.

PFOS contamination

The Navy has been testing the waterway near the NASWI’s Ault Field and OLF Coupeville sites for PFASs, and the results were published online in October. PFOA and PFOS were as high as 171.7 parts per trillion, with three other PFASs presents as well. The Navy has been aware of the problem for several years but only recently began to take action, citing the threat to the public.

The Navy also conducted tests of public and private wells within a one-mile radius of the airstrip in Oak Harbor. The Navy and the EPA are not required to regulate PFAS, so the Navy developed a plan to test public and private wells within a mile of the suspected release point. The EPA’s ECHO database also showed that the water quality in Oak Harbor was not regulated and that the Navy provided drinking water for affected citizens.